
Allan Leibowitz

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Allan Leibowitz, Editor and Publisher
30 Oldfield Place
Brookfield Q 4069

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This contact page aims to help you keep in touch with the digitalDrummer team. We read everything that reaches our inboxes and will do our best to reply promptly.

Tell us about a new manufacturer

Click here to let us know about a new manufacturer or vendor in the e-drums market.

Over the years, digitalDrummer has “discovered” a number of new technologies and suppliers around the world. We especially enjoy highlighting offerings from smaller, independent businesses that place an emphasis on innovation, quality and customer service.

Submit a press release

Click here to share your press release or company announcement with digitalDrummer readers. While we can’t guarantee we’ll publish every announcement, we strive to keep our readers up to date with product and industry news.

Nominate someone for a feature

Each edition has a number of opportunities to highlight electronic drummers, ranging from our in-depth profile interviews to our How I Use E-drums articles which detail how technology improves performance and recording. We also regularly publish pictures and the story behind our readers’ monster kits. If you would like to be features – or know someone who should be included, please click here.

Write/submit a story

digitalDrummer tries to include as many unique voices as possible. If you have a story idea or know a writer who you think could add perspective, please click here.

Send general feedback or news tips

Click here to share any other thoughts or information which you think will help improve digitalDrummer.

Advertise with us

Take advantage of digitalDrummer’s reach into the specialist e-drum market with targeted advertising and marketing options.

Click here to find out more.

Support us:
Enthusiasts would generally pay $10 or more for a generalist drum or music magazine. Because of the reduced costs (and environmental impact!) of digital publication, digitalDrummer is able to avoid a subscription cost. However, there are still significant costs involved in researching, writing, producing and sharing our content, not to mention considerable time and effort.
If you value what you have read and want to ensure the future of the publication, please feel free to make a financial contribution. Just click on the “donate” button below.

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